I recently met my grandfather and grandmother, they both are 90 years old. We touched upon various topics but I also wanted to know what keeps them going, and what happiness means to them. So I asked a few questions to learn from their fulfilling journey.
Below is the key of their fulfilling journey :
Dada Ji (Grand Father):
Work sincerely daily , don’t worry about What will happen tomorrow or what has happened yesterday. Spend your more wisely – means spend some portion of your money on feeding animals , giving food , blankets , shelter to persons in need and also spend some money towards religious activities.
Dadi Ji (Grand mother) :
If your life requirements are getting met then Do seva, feed saints – people who are believers of god and nature. Dont lie , dont take shortcuts
Om Prakash is a businessman based out of Meerut and has been working in the business of wrist watches. His family comprises sons and daughters, grandson and granddaughters, great-grandsons, and great-granddaughters. For the last 70 years, he has been going to his shop on daily basis. This means daily walking of around 2 km on each side. Until age 85 he was still walking to the market where he owns his shop. After that, he started taking the help of local rickshaws. He is still going strong and very much happy in day-to-day activities.
Important events in life in which you were happy
We were happy daily and are still happy on daily basis. Never waited for significant events to get happiness, we were just happy each day and things started coming or expanding gradually.
Anything which made you unhappy for the long term
One thing which gave us long-term unhappiness is the bike accident of our son. This brought a lot of suffering to the family. We still think about it and get sad at times but we remember the good memories of our son which keeps us going.
How did he handled event of a crisis:
Directly talk to god/nature . Believe everything will be alright and work towards it. Don’t think much just keep working.Bad time come to teach you some lesson , learn from it and become stronger than before.
Thing worth doing
feeding animals . Animals cant speak and tell their problems. Take care of animals , feed bajra to birds , and help poor people and people in need.
Few things which still worry
still worry about the health and well-being of Children and their children
Healthy Living
Eat good food- eat nuts , drink milk, keep working on daily basis till your body allows , never retire.
Avoid comparing what car, what house your neighbor has, be content be what you have.
never been to any holy place but have just focused on my family and I am very content with my life
Also do spend money on yourself and your family. Eat good food , live in good house., spend money on education.